Dylan Ruiz La Enganche
Who AM I?
Ecuador took the world by storm a few World Cup installments ago with their tenacity and graft. Dylan is the composite opposite of this. Though he possesses those traits, Dylan models himself off the likes of Ronaldinho.
I saw him play and he inspired me. I just wanted to do what he was doing. He made me fall in love with football.
Dylan grew up in Santo Domingo, Ecuador, the fourth most populous city in the country. He would enjoy a great though humble childhood where both parents were present. His mother was supportive of both himself and his little brother. It took Dylan years to appreciate that his father’s absence was due to him making sacrifices for his family so that they had no lack.
There was always food on the table
Favorite Quotes
“I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety.’’- Psalm 4–8
Day one or one day!?
Favorite Food
Encebollado (cooked with onions) is a fish stew from Ecuador, where it is regarded as a national dish. Although known throughout Ecuador, the dish is most popular in the country’s coastal region.It is served with boiled cassava and pickled red onion rings. A dressing of onion is prepared with fresh tomato and spices such as pepper or coriander leaves. It is commonly prepared with albacore, but tuna, billfish, or bonito may also be used. It may be served with ripe avocado.
The Little Things Matter
After each school day Dylan and his friends would quickly get their homework done so that they could play football. The fields weren’t really good Dylan recounts fondly.
There was no grass. There was always a lot of dust. How do you say tierra in English? We would play a lot and for so long.
Young Ruiz spent his first fourteen years as a resident of Santo Domingo. Though the nights brought a shift where it was dangerous because of unscrupulous characters, he loved his life. A shift soon brought Dylan to Machala, the Southwest region of Ecuador. Machala sits as the capital of the El Oro Province. For the four years that our little enganche lived in this new environment, he played little or no football.
The people were new, the circumstance was new and Dylan was unprepared for the change. It was learning to deal with this change that helped him make the transition to America where he is able to continue his dream of playing professionally.
The Órense SC Academy product enjoys playing video games and guitar in his spare time. If you have ever played FIFA you know the euphoric feelings you get when you score a goal that means something, especially when playing with friends. Little wonder Dylan’s most memorable moment in his brief football (soccer) career was scoring an olympico goal in a final in the 80th minute to break the deadlock and secure the win.
We hope to celebrate many moments with Dylan Ruiz as expresses his talents over the course of the UPSL season ahead of us.
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